Android Working Sliding Menu using Navigation Drawer with Action Bar

Android Working Sliding Menu using Navigation Drawer with Action Bar

Android Sliding Menu using Navigation Drawer

You might have noticed that lot of android applications introduced a sliding panel menu to navigate between major modules of the application. Previously this kind of UI was done using some third party libraries where a list view and some swiping gestures used to achieve this. But now android itself officially introduced sliding panel menu by introducing a newer concept called Navigation Drawer.
Most of the time Sliding Menu (Navigation Drawer) will be hidden and can be shown by swiping the screen from left edge to right or tapping the app icon on the action bar.

Android Working with Action Bar

Android action bar was introduced to maintain a consistent navigation across the application. It has the powerful capabilities like adapting to screen configurations (landscape & portrait), prioritizing important actions, adding widgets to action bar (search, sharing etc.), providing navigation between screens (drop-down & tabbed navigation) and much more.

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